Store your stuff away from home without having to travel

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Store your stuff away from home without having to travel
Front-end HMI connections: WordPress, Android and IOS
Connected IS: transport, storage, partner
Connectors: online payment and open data


Apartments in big European cities like Paris are expensive and tend to be small. They are almost always cluttered with things that are used very little. From this observation Lofty was born but, Lofty what? The project is part of a process of provoked innovation. Like Uber, the service is surfing on the appetite for “hyperservice” and the trivialization of smartphone use to simplify its life. Lofty allows its customers to control their belongings through the smartphone and to gain valuable m2 of storage and living space in urban areas.

We used Simplicité Software to create our web application, which allows you to request, receive and return storage boxes to the warehouse for individuals who lack space at home to store everything. Develop everything in-house? There was a stock exit module, a logistics tracking module, a module for receiving, changing status and stock management, a payment module, etc... all this was developed a thousand times over. Rather than reinventing the wheel, Simplicité built the data module for us and organized around it the various modules already developed by them to have a 100% operational system in a few months. It's fast, sturdy, and very comprehensive. The icing on the cake: the Simplicité Software team has always been super available for improvements and changes in real time. This aPaaS service is definitely worth evaluating. We are very happy with it.

Cedric Naintre
CEO, Lofty Paris


Creating a tailor-made service from scratch including numerous technical interactions, a major challenge! Aimed mainly at people living in large urban centers, the Lofty service must be able to ensure:

  • logistics management,
  • storage management (short term, long term)
  • customer management (CRM),
  • managing subscriptions, billing, payments,...

It is therefore a tailor-made service that must be able to adapt to the evolution of the startup, which it aims to export to Europe. All the elements that make up the service must be interoperable according to the country of establishment: change of carriers, storage location, etc.


Mettre en place un back-office agile et évolutif supportant toute l’activité de l’entreprise (livraison, prise de commande, envoie de SMS,…).

Connecter le backoffice Simplicité avec les API permettant de gérer la partie front-end sur wordpress.

Connecter le back-office Simplicité avec les API pour les applications mobiles sur les stores “Android” et “Apple”.

Bénéficier d’un outil flexible pouvant évoluer en fonction des besoins de la startup.


Développement de la plateforme avec Simplicité Software, récupération des données pour la gestion logistique.

Interfaçage avec un front office développé avec WordPress.

Paramétrage de l’application pour la gestion des comptes clients.