Customer relationship management — CRM

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Customer relationship management — CRM
Of the need covered
Agile Development Month
Internal users


IT-CE, Economic Interest Group (GIE) of the BPCE Group, the 2nd largest banking group in France, employs more than 1,300 people. This GIE develops and maintains MySys, the information system in particular for Caisse d'Épargne, Crédit Foncier de France and Crédit Copératif.

MySys IS players are spread over 11 sites in France. IT-CE wanted to acquire a tool for managing customer relationships using the MySys IS and called on Partenor Digital to meet this need for the integration of the Simplicité low-code platform.

The appeal of the tool lies mainly in the fact that it can be largely configured by the customer's hand, which is also the whole point of a low-code platform. It's flexible, scalable, and user friendly!
The application allows us to support the business process from start to finish. We can trace all our exchanges to improve our customer knowledge and capitalize on a daily basis.
Also, we have moved to automated and historical management of information exchange and traceability workflows: no more manual reminders by email and telephone! This allowed us to greatly improve the responsiveness and efficiency of the teams on a daily basis.
In addition, thanks to the great flexibility of the platform and the responsiveness of the partners, we know that we will be able to enrich our application with great flexibility as we go along.
Finally, beyond the technical side of the project, we highly appreciated the team spirit of the integrator Partenor Digital and the publisher of the Simplicité platform, with whom exchanges have always been constructive and the reactivity beyond expectations.

Commercial Development Director, Groupe BPCE


  • Equip GIE employees with a tailor-made Customer Relationship Management tool adapted to all uses/terminals (responsive).
  • Capitalize on customer knowledge to be more effective, more flexible, more responsive.
  • Manage our meetings with our customers (CRM).
  • This project is the result of collective work carried out with GIE employees in line with the “IT-CE 2020" strategic project in order to improve user satisfaction.
  • Support the Management of the Customer Service Offer (Catalog).


Develop in agile mode in a 3-month delay a CRM that covers a broad scope:

User identity card and 360° vision, history of all our interactions with customers...

Monitoring and management of exchanges with the automation of commercial reminders, management of agendas...

Support for the service catalog, provision of existing and future services to sales representatives,...

Pilotage opérationnel de l’activité commerciale – Fiches d’informations clients – Relances – Tableaux de bord…


One flexible platform and adapted to the needs of the profession, in quick response to new business requirements.

Relation de confiance établie très tôt entre le partenaire Partenor Digital, l’éditeur Simplicité et IT-CE.

Délais et budgets respectés.

Mode agile avec implication des utilisateurs finaux.

Final product in line with the expectations of users.