Facilitating and simplifying the return to France

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Facilitating and simplifying the return to France
Delay months
Administrations involved


The General Secretariat for the Modernization of Public Action (SGMAP) is a service of the Prime Minister that accompanies the Government in the implementation of State reform and supports administrations in their modernization projects. It encourages public actors to adopt new ways of designing and conducting public policies.

The main added value of the tool is that it is a first step towards the establishment of a one-stop shop in France and the digitization of all administrative procedures. It is the transition between manual operation, through hyper-compartmentalized silos of knowledge, and intelligent, agile and open-ended operation.

Anne-Laure Fréant
Founder of enfrance.fr


In July 2015, the Prime Minister appointed Clotilde Valter, Secretary of State for State Reform and Simplification, to oversee the implementation of recommendations to simplify the process of returning French nationals from abroad to France, which were presented by Senator Hélène Conway-Mouret in her report of 21 July 2015, presented by Senator Hélène Conway-Mouret. Simplicité supported the SGMAP in putting online a tool allowing French nationals abroad access to information on their rights and the administrative procedures that must accompany their return journey.


Permettre aux français de l’étranger de connaître facilement leurs démarches, droits et obligations relatifs à leurs retour en France.

Disposer d’une solution souple et agile pour permettre de l’adapter aux évolutions et nouveaux textes de lois en vigueur.

Mise à disposition d’un site internet dédié proposant une expérience utilisateur simple et intuitive.


Utiliser la plateforme Simplicité pour les règles de gestion et le déroulement logique des questions en back-office.

Processus itératif avec le SGMAP tout au long de l’avancement du projet, du lancement du projet à la mise en production 1 mois

6 administrations involved in the project.